Donation Links:

  • Donate to Kim directly: Paypal

  • PWYW Commission Sign-up Form: Click Here!

  • YCH "Mix and Match" comic sequences
    (10 slots @ $300 each): Gumroad
    *Sold out!*

  • YCH Bubble/Sentient Fat Icons
    (20 slots @ $50 each): Gumroad
    *Sold out!*


Contact SpottedSqueak:


  • Current Total: $6,373 (Thank you!)

  • Mix and Match Comics: 10/10 Complete ✅

  • Bubble/Sentient Fat Icons: 20/20 Complete ✅

Aaand that's a wrap! Thank you everyone who donated and supported Kim, and thank you all for making this such a big success. There's updated links to the animated updates (all 4!) on the main page there, but I'll link to a few repositories so folks can check everything out.
* Full Galleries (all updates, commissions, etc.): FA | Eka
* Youtube Playlist (Animated Updates only): Youtube
The rest are unfortunately spread across my social media, and there's no easy way to link to those!Thank you all again, and please look forward to my next project! You're really the best. ♥

Thanks to everyone's generousity, we kinda blew past our initial goals and landed at a whopping $6,373 for the drive!! Thank you everyone who spread word and shared this around, and everyone who supported with whatever they could; I'm always blown away by the generosity of the furry/vore communities, and this has done nothing but reaffirm my belief that this is one of the most giving and caring communities out there. Thank you all again. ♥
I'm hard at work on what I've promised, but I'm still finishing up the last of the purchased commissions...Then it's all fun updates from then on. I'm hoping to get it all done (all the updates I mean) in the next month or so, but we'll see how it goes!I'll update on Mastodon and Twitter whenever I post an update! Thanks again. ♥

The First Goal Tier Animated Update is complete! Check out the Goal Tier list on the home page for viewing links! Thank you all for your support on this, I'm trying my best to get everything done in a timely manner. ♥
Kim and I thank you! ♥

I'm honestly blown away by everyone's generosity. We sold all of the comic and icon slots in far less than 24 hours, and received several very helpful donations! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
That being said, we've unlocked the PWYW Commission Stream goal!I'm going to shoot for Labor day, September 4th 2023 for that. I'll figure out the exact time later, but it'll likely be an almost all-day event.The general idea is this:

  1. You fill out the form at the link below

  2. During the stream, I'll do a raffle in chat for those who have submitted ideas

  3. When your name is chosen, I'll look up your idea

  4. If acceptable, I'll ask you to make a donation to Kim's paypal (any amount over $5)

  5. I draw your idea!

Simple, yeah? Think of it like the Fo-February sign-ups.Sign-up here: Click hereWill stream on: Piczel


Heyo! SpottedSqueak 🐭 here! You're probably familiar with my vorish antics and artwork.My friend Kim is gathering funds for her transition! I'm asking for help, and offering a few incentives for those who donate. Come pad out this chee's curves! ♥Below you will find links to both donate and contribute! All donations and purchases count towards the goals listed on the progress bar on the left and below. The purchasable options are currently limited in quantity.Each "Update" will be an animated picture showing off how much she's gained from folks feeding themselves to her. They will all be posted on my various galleries online.The "Mix and Match" comic sequences give an option to choose 3 YCH panels from a set of 13 panels, in any order you wish. You can even choose the same panel 3 times, with a different character in each one. There's a lot of possibilities here.The YCH Bubble/Sentient Fat icons are the floating stylized blushing faces that point to bellies/hips you may have seen in my works! They show the current state of the person in the belly/resting on the curves of the predator that ate them. These are 2 frame commissions, meaning you get any two expressions you want to use for the character you submit! I can animate them together to bob in place if requested. These will also be used in the "Icon Display" portions of the updates.Let's see how thigh, er, high this can go!Thank you in advance for your generosity!


STREAMING AT: Monday, Sept. 4th at 8AM PSTFOR HOW LONG: Until I can't draw anymore, or around 8 hours, whatever comes first. I'll need to stop occasionally for food or breaks.How to Enter:
> Fill out a Commission Form here: PWYW Commission Form
> Be in chat and Enter the raffle when it pops up in chat
> When chosen, give the name/email you put on your submission form to me via DMs so I can look it up and make sure it's acceptable
> If deemed unacceptable, I'll give you a chance to revise it while I move on to the next one.
> When accepted, pay any amount over $5 to Kim's Paypal: Paypal
> I draw your idea! These are B&W sketches only! See the form for details.
Chat Rules:
> Behave yourself in chat. No RP, no crying or guilting if you don't get picked
> You misbehave, you get banned, and you can no longer be up for raffles or any future commissions. I am serious about this.
> Do not make the stream all about "you"; If I'm drawing for someone else, don't brag or gloat about art you've gotten from me before. Do not backseat me while I'm drawing, unless I ask for input.
> Ask before posting links, and say where the links go
> Please keep all fatal vore talk to a minimum; I know that upsets some folks, and my chat is a welcome place for everyone, regardless of preferences.
I reserve the right to refuse any commission, for any reason. This is non-negotiable, and you will be refunded in this case.